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My Aunt Vicki asked me to do her hair after many years of her box application. It took me a couple of appointments for me to get it to the color to make her happiest. Cool Blonde is just the right tone for her. She‘s young at heart, and not totally gray. Allow your stylist the opportunity to find the shade of blonde right for your skin tone.
I love how soft this color looks on her and accents her look. She is definitely pretty in pink.
Color was achieved with Paul Mitchel The Color and styling products: Hot Off The Press Thermal Protection Spray By Paul Mitchell
How to make it happen:
Make sure to always check for allergy to the color. Once past that, I used 1 part 9N + 1 part 9P with 30 volume developer to give a little extra lift to Vicki's hair. She had been coming up too gold in the past at 20 volume developer. I like using the thicker cream colors for brush and bowl application so that the color stays where I want it to. We processed her for 45 minutes in average temperature (say this because when it's cold weather, the inside temps can vary causing the color process to slow down.) I rinsed her with warm water and shampooed with Paul Mitchell's Awapuhi Shampoo, Conditioned with Color Protect Conditioner, Color Protect Locking Spray to maintain and give extra added protection with the higher volume lifting developer. Styled with Paul Mitchell's Sculpting Foam.

Photo Credit: Tina Nixon
Model: AuntVicki - Dancing Queen